Daycast is a team-aware time management app that helps you plan your days, track your time, and collaborate with your teammates in a way that boosts productivity and overall job satisfaction. Using it is easy. We’ll show you how.
Move your cursor over the task you’d like to clock into and click the clock icon that appears to the left. This starts the timer that will keep track of how long you spend on your task.
When you’re ready to move to a different task, click the clock icon next to your desired task and you’ll automatically be clocked out of the current one. You can also clock out of a task without clocking into another. Simply click the clock icon next to the current task again to stop tracking time. Once you do, you'll have the opportunity to update your status.
To add or adjust time manually, click in the timer field to the immediate left of the task, highlight the existing value, and type in your replacement time value in hours and minutes.
When you've finished for the day, look over your plan. Is all your work accounted for? Make any adjustments necessary, then click Finalize Day. This closes your work session and submits your time for Daycast’s in-app reporting.
If you need to change something later, you can. Just click the lock icon next the the task you need to adjust, edit project, time, or task description, and click the lock again and re-finalize.
Daycast tracks your hours and displays a running total by both day and week. Hours per day are visible beneath each day’s tab (hover over previous days to see their totals) while the week’s hours are displayed on the far right.
Access Time Report options by clicking the report icon just to the left of the week’s running total.
Daycast defaults to the following parameters: Submitted tasks from This Month for [Logged In User]. Edit these parameters if you wish, and Daycast will return a new report with your specified parameters. Download reports anytime by clicking the Download CSV file link.
Expand all projects or each individually to see a breakdown of tasks and the time accrued to each.