
How do I create a new account?

I’m already using Daycast and want to join a team. How do I do that?

How do I give someone else on my team admin capabilities?

I need to reset my password. How do I do that?

How do I change my display name?

How do I change the email address associated with my account?

How many members can I add to my team?

How do I add team members?

How do I remove a team member?

How do I delete my account?

How do I delete my whole team?


Sometimes I forget to switch tasks in Daycast when I start working on something else. Can Daycast help?

If I need to start a task at a certain time, will Daycast remind me, or do I need to set up a notification in some other tool?

I’d like to be able to estimate how much time a task will take in order to better plan my days. Can I do that?

Troubleshoot Notifications: I’ve enabled Status Reminders/Task Reminders/Task Time Estimates notifications but I never see them. Why?


My company has a strict confidentiality policy. How can I keep my work in Daycast private?

If I enable usage tracking, does that mean you’ll watch what I do in the app?

If I enable crash/error reporting, what kind of information will you get?

I’ve enabled crash/error reporting, and just encountered a problem. Should I email anyway?