How do I integrate my Pivotal Tracker account with Daycast?
Follow the integration guide here.
I’m a member of several Pivotal Tracker projects. Which stories will be available to me in Daycast?
Once you integrate your Tracker account with Daycast, all stories from all projects you’re a member of will be available in your Daycast, where you can add them to your day plan and track the time you spend working on them.
Stories are organized by project in Daycast and ordered the same way they are in Pivotal Tracker. If you have several Tracker projects with lots of stories each, consider using the Search feature to find the story you want.
A story was just added to Pivotal Tracker that I want to add to my day plan, but I can’t find it in Daycast. What do I do?
Auto-refresh of Pivotal Tracker stories was deployed in version 1.4.0, so if you’re not seeing just-added Tracker stories in your Daycast yet, you only need to wait a few minutes. The syncer checks for new stories every five minutes.