If you want to be productive, take good care of yourself.

If you want to be productive, take good care of yourself.

In a productivity-obsessed environment (hi, USA), it’s easy—it’s even applauded by the rank and file of hustle culture—to put your own self-care dead last. But if gold standard productivity is your goal, you’d do better to give yourself your best, not your leftovers. Reader, heed my cautionary tale.

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3 strategic ways to organize your task list and manage your to-dos

3 strategic ways to organize your task list and manage your to-dos

Ordering your task list isn’t necessary in Daycast—you can clock into whatever you want, whenever you want—but it can be helpful. With a little forethought and a deliberate strategy, you can manage your to-dos in a way that helps you get more of what you want from your time and less of what you don’t.

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Get free of the busyness trap and focus on delivering value.

Get free of the busyness trap and focus on delivering value.

Confession: a packed schedule doesn’t just leave me feeling rushed; it also makes me feel important. Necessary. And in a world where busyness is the newest status symbol, I’m certainly not the only one. But it’s a trap, diminishing our ability to deliver real value. Fortunately, there’s a way out.

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