


  1. We realized that time-sensitive emails could be delayed if our send queue were to become saturated with other, less critical communications. We prioritized password reset and new user invitation emails to address that. Time-sensitive emails will send immediately regardless of backlog.
  2. When setting up a new account, user passwords that didn’t meet the strength requirements failed but no communication was offered to let the user know why. Account setup in that situation simply didn’t work. We’ve fixed that by adding realtime password strength checking so that users get feedback as they’re typing.
  3. Stale projects were crowding out newer projects in the Forecast Your Day panel. Now projects are ordered by timestamp, most recent first.
  4. Users with the Pivotal Tracker integration see Tracker stories in their Forecast Your Day feed, but until this release, only unassigned stories and stories assigned specifically to the user appeared there. This made adding stories you’re blocking but don’t own to your Day Plan more difficult than it needed to be. Now the FYD feed populates with stories you own, unassigned stories, and stories you’re blocking.
  5. Some users were experiencing sticky statuses—when clocking into a different task, their previous status (in the User Panel) would remain instead of automatically updating to the new task. We fixed that. Your status auto-updates as it should now.
  6. The Forecast Your Day feed emptied when the user’s internet connection dropped. That shouldn’t happen. As of this release, it doesn’t. Your FYD feed remains populated even if you lose your connection while running Daycast.


  1. We’ve included an analytics tracking opt-out option for folks who prefer not to send us usage data. Find it by selecting Settings in the options menu (the three stacked dots at the top right of the app) and unchecking Enable Analytics Tracking. See our Privacy Policy for information about analytics tracking.
  2. Further to the above, we’ve added a step to the introductory, in-app tour that directs users to their privacy settings.